Week 3: Activity 5

Throughout my Edublogs experience, I learned how to properly post and use images. I know that I have to get permission to post a picture as well as giving the website or person credit for their work. The image should also relate to its post. I can’t wait to explore more on Edublogs.

Week 3: Activity 6


On the weekends, I enjoy spending time at the beach. The beautiful water and the fresh breeze make me feel like I’m in another world. Additionally, I love adventuring to new beaches with my friends. Each beach has a unique feel about it. Over the summer, I took surfing classes at my local beach. It was an amazing experience and I would love to do it again.

I found this photo on: http://compfight.com/search/beach/1-3-1-1

Week 3: Activity 2

When I was at an adolescent age my grandpa died due to cancer. Due to the fact that I was only three, I didn’t know much about him. However, I pieced together the fact that he was just like me. His passionate desire to ride horses, his ability to never give up and his love for everybody around him made him the amazing person he was.

Copy (2) of Picture 008 I have permission to post this picture. It is copyrighted to my family.

Week 3: Activity 3

I recently asked my mom about her grandparents. Gert and Marvin Penner were their names. My great grandpa served in WWII as a Chief Petty Officer in the Navy. He served our country and had to be away from his family for five years. Along with being a family man, he loved sports and taking road trips to Las Vegas. My nana was devoted to her family, grand children and great grand children. She was very loving and always there to give advice and listen. An important event that took place in their time period was World War II

8530217557_74d22e0125 I found this picture of WWII from: http://compfight.com/search/world-war-2-navy/1-3-1-1

Week 4: Activity 1

To dress up my blog for Halloween, I changed my background color to orange since it’s a huge color for the season. Additionally, I added an image of pumpkins to my header to add to the holiday feel. I found the picture of the pumpkin on: https://pixabay.com/en/photos/?q=halloween+background&image_type=&cat=&order= .

Week 4: Activity 2

On the night of Halloween, a girl and her friends ventured out into the dark woods. She heard a rattle in the bushes, but didn’t think anything of it.    They carried on with their business and played multiple games. Shivers ran up the girls back as she felt a hand touch her. When she looked back nobody was there. She told her friends to run home as fast as they could to get help. The problem was they never made it back home.


I found this image on: https://pixabay.com/en/ruins-scary-mystery-fantasy-563629/

Week 4: Activity 3

In my community, we celebrate Halloween through trick or treating. Knocking on neighbors and getting sweet treats, is my favorite part of this holiday. The main colors of Halloween are orange, black and purple. Children gather with their friends to dress up and tell spooky tales. Lastly, they watch scary movies on T.V.